Sunday 22 July 2012

Online Learning versus Traditional Learning

Online Learning versus Traditional Learning 

Traditional Learning Description
History of education started from traditional learning that is classroom learning. In classrooms, teachers are provided with students to gain students knowledge.

Online Learning Description
Whereas online learning started in the early 90’s when the internet connection vastly growing around the globe. In online learning, teaching is conducted online, therefore, students’ don’t have to come to school to study. 

Now, which learning system gives out better results to students, online learning or traditional learning? 

Advantages of Online Learning
More Flexible Time
  •        Students can study anytime and anywhere via an internet connection.

Accessible 24 hours
  •            Subjects are readily available online so students can refer to it anytime and anywhere.
  •          Students can also refer to their teachers via e-mail.

Cheaper Option of Education
  •            Parents can have fewer burdens on their shoulders as they no need to pay for their children’s school fees such as exam fees.
Online Exams can is carried out.
  •     Students can expect results to come out faster.
  •         Online feedbacks can help weak students to understand the subject better.
Disadvantages of Online Learning
Employment Difficulties
  •          Employers find that students from online courses hard to accept as they prefer to have students from traditional learning courses and accredited programs.
Access to Teachers
  •      Students in doubt or unclear of a particular subject cannot clarify it with their teachers as most of the time teachers will not be on campus.
Technology Glitch
  •    Servers can be down, internet connections can be interrupted, and students can also get caught on spam activities. Therefore, it is a necessary that students have to back up their files externally.
Advantages of Traditional Learning
Interaction among Students
  •      Students can interact with their classmates and teachers.
  •       Students can also get feedback from teachers to keep them moving forward.
Motivation for Students to Study
  •       Before students continue their tertiary education, they are used to study in classroom environment.
  •      So, if it’s virtual students will get used of doing procrastination.
Accessibility to Students
  •            Some students don’t have technological devices, and even some don’t even know how to use them.
  •       In traditional learning, the process starts from the teacher itself to share information to students.
  •      There is a fixed schedule for a dedicated learning.
  •      For working adults, it’s difficult to find time to study online.
Disadvantages of Traditional Learning
Lack of Focused Learning
  •       In traditional learning, learning involves repetition and memorization of facts and theories.
Lack of Emphasis on Critical Thinking
  •        It doesn’t allow students to understand deeper understanding for complex concepts and lifelong learning.
Lacks Process Oriented Learning
  •       Only emphasizes on passing test and results.
  •       Students are not encouraged to understand methods to answers.
Lacks Emphasis on Larger Concepts or Structures
  •      Focus on basic skills and gradually build it up to a whole.
Social Considerations
Online Learning
  •        Doesn’t allow students to interact. As most of the time interaction will be through an electronic media. Limits teamwork, presentation and participation.
  •       Most of the time students work alone.  It requires his or hers own motivation to do complete the task given.
Traditional Learning
  •       Places students in a passive role than rather an active role.
  •       Requires teachers to learn effective writing and speaking skills.
Ethical Considerations
Online Learning
  •       Cheating can occur when exams are carried out online
  •       Students can also plagiarize their work.
Traditional Learning
  •      Focuses on teaching not learning.
  •       Students often forget what is taught in classrooms and as much what they remember are irrelevant.
Both traditional learning and online learning has it's own advantages and disadvantages. But from my research I found out that online learning has more disadvantages than traditional learning. Online learning is not the best choice of education if students wish to be successful in the future, as it's still new to this world and maybe it needs time to make it acceptable for this era. Anyway for now traditional learning is the best choice to this century's education method.

These points are from the research that I have done online. These are the sources:









Thank you and please comment.